Sunday 7 June 2015

The Indie Girl's Guide to City Living

       As a born and bred city girl, I've picked up one or two tricks to living that "Instagram-worthy" life that everybody seems to be after. Between my job, my studies, and my social life, I basically live in the heart of downtown Montreal. This bilingual metropolis is home to a myriad of cultural experiences just waiting to be posted--no filter necessary, which is why I've made the Indie Girls' Guide to City Living to help all of you make the most of your urban hub...

       First off, public transportation is your golden ticket to making your way around in good time (check out Mel's previous post on tips for surviving the subway). Between the bus and underground metro systems, there isn't a place in the city that's off-limits. Get yourself a pass and then get going! Make sure to wear comfortable shoes (I live in my Nike Air Force 1 low-tops) because city-connoisseurs know that after a few kilometers of walking, a pair of heels becomes your worst enemy.

       Secondly, divide and conquer. Most cities are divided into boroughs. Pick one and explore! Montreal is so diverse; we have the old port (a taste of Europe), Downtown (our very own Manhattan), Quartiers des Spectacles (our arts district), the Plateau (did someone say Brooklyn?), Mont-Royal (a little green space to hike), Verdun (coffee, thrift shops, and the St. Laurence river), just to name a few. Each one has its own distinct vibe which makes you feel like you've traveled out of the city, even if you're only 10 minutes away. The street art, street musicians, art installations and coffee shops will have you digging for your camera.

       Thirdly, culture shock. If your city is anything like mine, there's a wealth of museums to visit, so you're bound to find something to love. The Fine Arts Museum varies from Van Gogh to Kandinsky to Andy Warhol with a permanent collection that you can view for free, including the works of local artists. The MAC is our contemporary museum for you abstract and new-age fans. It's located in the heart of Quartier des Spectacles which is booming with art and creativity (musical swings anyone?). That's not to mention our Science museum, which is currently exhibiting a history of gaming (any vintage video game fans?) and the History museums for our more culturally concerned readers.

       Lastly, power up. A city girl knows that a day can run from 5 am to 2am the next day so coffee is a necessary poison (and this girl loves her latte shots as much as the next girl). Whether its an indie café or a chain (I see you Starbucks), this Barista knows her coffee. To name a few favourites: Café Myriad, Kafein, Bagel St. Lo, St. Henri MicroBrasserie, Café Olimpico, Café Neve, Café Parvis, etc...Pick a street, chances are you'll find a hidden gem with espresso that's to die for. Just don't forget your "s'il vous plait" and "merci"!

       So, whether you're a lifer or a weekend-warrior, you can live that indie lifestyle, no sweat!


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